Lost World
by Lloyd Brunnel
[TBP] To see oursel as others see us
Cheetahs Win
by Phil Geusz
Professional baseball can be a life-changing experience
The Ass and the Rabbit
by John Routledge
When the student isnt ready, the master doesnt matter
Mythic Journeys
by Michæl W. Bard
War is hell—and getting there can be worse / Part 5

by Laura L. Hill
Which face is real, and which the mask?

From the Editors Maw
by Quentin Long
What Food Eats: In which the editor follows his own advice

Zebra Girl
by Joe England
Half a demon is scarier than one
by John Prengaman, Jr.
Where do little cougars come from?

Through the Looking-Glass
by Michæl W. Bard
Con Report from the Great White North: Convention-al dos and donts
Down the Rabbit Hole
by Phil Geusz
Furcons 101: The care and feeding of mass social gatherings
Reality Soundbites
by Keith Morrison
Its a Beige World After All: Thinking outside the (census) box(es)
The Red Kings Dream
by Wanderer Werewolf
Its How You Play the Game: The circle of self-reference is now complete

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