ANTHRO: Flyers to post at conventions and elsewhere

   We at Anthro make a point of spreading the good word at each convention we attend—posting flyers, talking to fellow attendees, that sort of thing. But frankly, we just don’t attend many cons. With an audience consisting of thousands of readers, however, we suspect there’s plenty of other people who might also like to help spread the good word. Thus, we’ve decided to make our flyers available to everybody! Said items come in two parts:

  1. The actual flyer itself. This is half a sheet of 81/2" x 11" typing paper, and we’ve put two of them on one page; print out a high-quality master, Xerox™ it onto as many sheets of whatever color of paper as you like, and slice the copies into twice as many 51/2" x 81/2" flyers.
  2. ‘Tear-off strips’, featuring relevant logos and URLs, for the right and left sides of the flyer. Note that making the tear-off strips involves a fair amount of scissors-work; if that’s not convenient for you, just go with the unadorned flyers themselves. Either way is fine with us!
Master copy
(file size: 1 MB)
Two 51/2" x 81/2" flyers,
side by side on a 81/2" x 11" page
Tear-off strips
(file size: 1.6 MB)
Four 8"-tall side-strips, each one containing 16 copies of the zine’s logo and URL
Master + tear-offs
(2.4 MB ZIP archive)
One download; two files after unZIPping
Master copy
(file size: 1 MB)
Two 51/2" x 81/2" flyers,
side by side on a 81/2" x 11" page
Tear-off strips
(file size: 1.8 MB)
Four 8"-tall side-strips, each one containing 16 copies of the zine’s logo and URL
Master + tear-offs
(2.4 MB ZIP archive)
One download; two files after unZIPping

-= ANTHRO =-