Anthro Press is pleased to announce The First Book of Lapism, the inaugural collection of Phil Geusz Lapist stories! As long-time readers know, the Lapist universe has been part of Anthro right from the start. Drama Class, the story which introduced the Lapist faith, appeared in Anthro #1and there have been plenty more since that auspicious beginning!
Like many of Geusz other tales, the Lapist stories can be appreciated on multiple levels. On the one hand, theyre well-told yarns of exciting adventure; on the other hand, these stories grapple directly with a serious, relevant issue. By some measures, Christianity is a dying faith: Supposing this to be true, what will replace it? You neednt agree with the premise to appreciate the way Geusz handles it in the four stories which are collected in The First Book of Lapism:
- Drama Class, the story of one of the first people born into the faith. [appeared in Anthro #1]
- Full Immersion, about what happens to a man who converted to Lapism for all the wrong reasons. [appeared in Anthro #4]
- Schism, the tale of Lapism's first major crisis. [appeared in TSAT #39]
- In the Beginning, in which you'll discover intimate secrets of how and why Lapism came to be. [appeared in Anthro #7]