Help support ANTHRO!

   Thank you for choosing to support Anthro! By doing so, you reward our writers and artists, and generally help to ensure that Anthro will continue to delight you with the Internet’s finest furry stories and art. Speaking of ‘art’, here’s your chance to own your favorite art from Anthro! Why should you consider spending money on something you can see on the Net, for free, every day? Three reasons:

   And if you’d like to support Anthro, but you’re not really interested in a blatantly obvious display of furriness? In that case, feel free to check out Graphic Descriptions, the online storefront where Cubist’s non-furry art is available 24/7. There’s also a few books we hope you’ll enjoy reading, not to mention our book-search page to help you discover nifty stuff we may have overlooked. And if you’d like to subscribe (just a penny a day!) or donate to Anthro, we’ll be happy to help!

LEOMORPHIC DA VINCI by Cubist, in association with
Leomorphic da Vinci, by Cubist
Inspired by the work of Leonardo Da Vinci

Cover of Anthro #1

Available as: PosterT-shirt6" button
Round stickerMagnet

STRAIGHTAWAY! by Lucius Appaloosius, in association with
Straightaway!, by Lucius Appaloosius
In the tradition of Leroy Neiman

Cover of Anthro #2

Available as: PosterT-shirtStein
Color-changing mugGreeting card
PostcardU.S. postage

DARK MOON by Cubist, in association with
Dark Moon, by Cubist
Created to accompany Tom Zimmerman’s poem In Dappled Darkness Something Waits For Me, which appeared in Anthro #3

Available as: PosterT-shirtPostcardU.S. postage

WANTED: DEAD AND ALIVE, by Cubist, in association with
Wanted: Dead and Alive, by Cubist
Extrapolated from the famous gedankenexperiment

Cover of Anthro #7

Available as: PosterT-shirt

Zoomin’, by Ian Williams
Created to accompany Michæl W. Bard’s story Zoo’m’in Along, which appeared in Anthro #10

Available as: Poster

WILL YIFF FOR by Cubist, in association with

Will Yiff For…, by Cubist

Available as: PosterT-shirt

I’m a Toon!, by Cubist
The rallying cry of a certain squirrel-turned-rabbit

Available as: T-shirtSquare button

And, finally, the official Anthro bumper sticker!

Two great tastes that taste great together! It’s got Leomorphic da Vinci to the left;
Dark Moon to the right; and that distinctive Anthro logo to tie it all together.

Graphic Descriptions
Graphic Descriptions is the online ‘storefront’ through which editor Quentin Long sells art—both his own and Anthro’s—and is the print-on-demand site which makes it possible. Feel free to click through to GD or Zazzle; either way, Anthro gets a percentage of any purchases you make while you’re there In association with

-= ANTHRO =-